jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008

Begining Java

Java is a powerful object oriented language; it's developed and maintained by Sun Microsystems. It was originally designed for be used in a wide variety of devices like cars, toasters, tv's and thinks like those. The idea behind Java was to create a device independent language.

Java never goes to that level, not as far as they think at least; but had emerged like a de facto Internet language, and gradually gets a place in the professional development area. Java can be used for cell phones, Web, Desktop and some other and obscure objectives; for general purposes we'll start delimiting the Java flavours:

  • Java SE. Is the original Java, and allows to develop desktop applications and applets. It is the most common version of Java, that's the reason cause we lovely call it just Java.

  • Java ME. It is an extension of the original Java done to create mobile applications. In a real sense it's just a limited subset of the original Java.

  • Java EE. It is the Enterprise version of Java, it's dedicated to high performance enterprise applications (sounds great!). It's the "greater" Java.

This blog focusses on SE version; more information about ME and EE can be found at java.sun.com.

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